2. Become a bookworm. This won't be a hard task for me, seeing as I love to read. But as of lately, I really haven't made the time to research good reads and take the time to delve into one. But with a morning and evening commute of an hour (usually spent sleeping or doing my makeup) I've decided it's time for a leisurely Barnes and Nobles trip to stock up! If you have any good summer reads to suggest I'd love to hear about them!
3. Run a half marathon. If you were to ever mention a marathon of any sorts to my awkward 16 year old self I would have laughed in your face. In the past two years as i've progressed on my fitness journey i've really developed a surprising passion for running, and living in New York has really spurred that passion on. I love the feeling of running through my neighborhood, discovering different routes and even new places to shop or eat along the way, and before I know it i've completed that mileage. I've been able to push myself in my workouts these past few weeks and i'd love to have a goal in mind to keep progressing. I found both a half marathon and a training schedule that I like, which I will be starting next week!
5. Take advantage of all the free summer activities in New York City. I never want to be that person that lives in New York but doesn't live in New York. Yes, I work full time but I'm not about to deprieve myself of some of the amazing events that take place in New York. That is why I moved here after all.
6. Document more. I've always lived with the philosophy of enjoying the moment rather than playing the part of the tourist and constantly trying to capture it. However, as I've gotten a little older, I look back on some memories and think "I really wish I would've gotten more photos of that". I've come to appreciate the memories that I do have photographic aid of, and I would really like to get into a better habit of taking more photos, and striking that balance between capturing a moment while still enjoying it.
These are just a few of my most pertinent summer 2013 bucket list items, and I'm looking forward to taking number 6 and applying it to numbers 1-5 for future posts!
Do you have any summer bucket list items? I'd love some ideas to add to my personal list!
Love all of this! Never knew what a "cronut" was, but now I'm intrigued :) Also, I too feel I should go to the beach more. I've lived literally 8 blocks from the beach my entire life, and I go maybe 3 times a year. So lame. But there's still a full 2 months of summer left and you've inspired me to be better. hope you achieve all your summer goals! (also, lest my google id confuse you, this is Damara, lol)
ReplyDeleteIt is the year of the crounut!!! Im dying to try it myself. Shake shack just announced they are having a special crounut concrete on tuesday 17th for one day only!! you should def go and write about it id love to hear your thoughts!!