Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Overnight Oats

Breakfast that makes it's self?! Don't mind if I do! I've been experimenting with the "overnight oats" phenomenon, and I love it! It's perfect to take with you on the go and eat at work or school. I know there are several variations of the ratio of milk to oats, but i've discovered how I personally enjoy it: simply, equal parts oats to milk. I like the consistancy of the oats when I make it this way, it's thicker, but of course if you'd like the consistancy to be thinner you can simply add more milk. This is what I whipped up for this morning:

1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup vanilla unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp fresh ground almond butter (from whole foods)
1/2 tbsp honey

In the morning, I also topped it off with a handful of fresh blueberries, a half of a banana sliced, and a sprinkle of chia seeds. I've also added fresh strawberries and raspberries in the past. I've seen other variations for toppings, such as;
  • granola (adds a little crunch)
  • sliced almonds
  • dried berries and raisins
  • agave nectar or all natural maple syrup (as opposed to honey)
  • differing nut butters (such as cashew and peanut)
  • a scoop of protein powder
  • any choice of fresh fruit (I want to try diced apples)
  • differing milk substitues such as: coconut, soy, and chocolate almond.
  • your favorite fruit and nut bar or protein bar chopped up.
The best part about it is being able to grab your breakfast and dash out the door in the moring! A great time saver but you aren't skimping on eating one of the most essential meals of the day. I'm looking forward to trying some of these ideas and experimenting with this easy, healthy and delicious breakfast!


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